A town park of Prudnik

Address: 48-200 Prudnik, ul. Parkowa
GPS position: 50°19′11.28″N, 17°34′22.44″E
Contact address: Biuro Promocji Gminy i Współpracy z Zagranicą
Telephone: +48 77 406 62 63
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.prudnik.pl
Ideą założenia Parku było połączenie miasta z okolicznymi lasami. Zadbano, aby poszczególne alejki parkowe kończyły się ciekawie, np. panoramą Gór Opawskich z ich najwyższym szczytem Kopą Biskupią (889 m n.p.m.).

The idea of foundation of the town park in Prudnik originated in order to link the town with surrounding forests. Within the foundation, it was stated that every single park alley should be ended by something interesting such as view at Opavské Mountains and its highest peak - Biskupská kupa. Later, the park was enriched with precious architectonic elements, such as a decorated arbour, former music pavilion or a Diana´s memorial.


Nowadays the park is a favourite leisure area with tennis courts and playgrounds. Some events, tournaments and family sports picnics are held here.


Photographs: W. Steć



Fot.: W.Steć


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